Adams Peak Hike Sri Lanka

What is Adams Peak or Sri Pada Sri Lanka?

Adam’s Peak or Sri Pada also known as The Butterfly Mountain is a multi religious holy mountain located near Hatton town of Nuwara Eliya district, Central Province of Sri Lanka surrounded by lush green tea estates / mountains and water falls of Central highlands with an elevation of 2,243 Meters (7,359 feet) above the Mean Sea Level (MSL). Sri Pada (Holy Footprint), 1.8 Mt granite rock formation on the summit is a holy footprint of Buddha while Hindu tradition believes it’s a God Shiva and in Muslim and Christian tradition that of Adam. 


Why Adam’s Peak is so important?

Geographically, Adam’s Peak is a Sri Lanka’s most striking natural landmark with 360-degree view above the clouds and one of the best hikes in Sri Lanka through lush green landscape of the island. 


Also, Sri Pada is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhist majority of Sri Lanka as Adam’s Peak is the Holy Footprint of Buddha. Every year, thousands of people, ranging widely in age, fitness level, and religious believes, climb Adam’s Peak by trekking 5,500 crumbling stone steps in search for moral and spiritual significance. The mountain is also believed to be the seen as the house of the local deity “Saman” and also goes by various names associated with this, including Mountain of Saman" or "Mountain of the Butterflies"


What is the best period to climb Adam’s Peak or Sri Pada? 

The mountain is most often scaled from December full moon day to May full moon day each year. Climbing at night can be a remarkable experience with the lights of the path leading up which you can reach the peak to watch breath-taking sunrise. Access to the mountain is possible by six trails but most recommended way is through Hatton – Nallathanniya – Adams Peak.  


Quick facts about Adams Peak or Sri Pada 

  • What is the Closest city to Adam’s Peak – Nallathanniya or Dalhousie (30 KM away from Hatton City) 
  • Adventure Type – Moderate
  • Entrance fees to Adam’s peak – No entrance fees and its free 
  • Height of the Adams Peak - 2,243 Meters (7,359 Feet) above mean sea level
  • How many steps of Adams Peak? Around 5,500 steps are to be climbed (Note Sigiriya is 1,200 steps) 
  • Duration to climb – 4 - 5 Hrs approximately depend on your fitness level 
  • Difficulty – Easy - Moderate (Reasonable level of fitness or determination needed)
  • Period – December full moon day to April full moon day each year 
  • Best time to travel – at night     



Adam’s Peak Travel Guide / Travel Tips and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

How to reach Adam’s Peak / Sri Pada?

Main and most popular / recommended route is VIA Hatton and trail start from Dalhousie (Nallathanniya) (30km from Hatton) and the trail distance is 5 KM. Elevation 1,000 M and climbing time approximately 4 -5 Hrs. Also note Hatton path is short and steep, with a paved steps and lighting for the entire trek and also you can find many places to relax with drinking water and snacks / small tea / coffee shops. 


You need to travel to Hatton from anywhere VIA train / bus / taxi and then take a bus / tuk-tuk to Nallathanniya Dalhousie. Also public transport buses run every 30 minutes between the Hatton train station and Dalhousie (Nallathanniya) and the journey takes 1.5 hours. You can reach Hatton from all main cities of Sri Lanka. 

Other routes of Adam’s Peak are Rathnapura-Palabaddala, / Kuruwita – Erathna / Murraywatte /  Mookuwatte / Malimboda. 


When is the best time to go to Adam's Peak?

Adam’s Peak / Sri Pada official travel period starts from full moon day of December till full moon day of May each year. Better avoid climbing of Adams’s Peak during long weekends / full moon days and other public holidays in Sri Lanka due to congestion and long ques. 


Also, during this official travel period of Adam’s Peak, entire path is cleaned / light-up / police and security services are on duty 24 x 7 / health services are ready / shops are open throughout the path. So better if you climb during this period. If you travel during off-peak also a different experience but better consult your travel agency in Sri Lanka beforehand. 



What is the best time to start the Adams Peak trek? 

Most traveller’s objective is to watch the striking scenic view of Adams Peak sunrise from the summit of the Mountain. It normally takes around 4 - 5 hours for the ascending climb on a weekday and this may lengthen by a couple of hours on a weekend depend on the crowd. During weekdays you can start 1.00 AM (Mid night) and you will reach by 4.30 AM. If it is a weekend or public holiday in Sri Lanka, better start by 10 PM due to the long ques. 


What to pack when climbing Adam’s Peak / Sri Pada?

  • Very important that you bring warm clothing for the summit of Adams Peak. During the descent, the sun shines again and light clothing is handy. Recommend to bring followings for the Adams Peak trek. 
  • Clothing - T-shirt short sleeves / Fleece sweater / Ear Muff / raincoat / Long tights / Warm socks / Buff / Cap / Gloves / Sneakers or hiking shoes
  • Sunglass / Sunscreen 
  • Water bottle (Also you can buy or use public water supply enroort) 
  • Snacks / Energy bars 
  • Sunscreen 
  • Money (Sri Lankan currency to buy some snacks on the way) 
  • Camera 


How long does it take for Adam’s Peak Trek from Dellhousie 

Normally it takes around 4 to 5 hours to climb and similar hours to come down as well (if you climb at an average pace). Don’t consider that the descent is easier and quicker !!


How hard is it to climb Adam's Peak?

Generally, this is little bit challenging trek to climb 5,500 steps but if you love to hike and challenge yourself, or if you are a spiritual person, hike to Adam’s Peak Sri Lanka will definitely be the highlight of your holiday in Sri Lanka. 


Is it possible to do the Adam’s Peak trek, offseason?

Climbing Adam’s Peak or Sri Pada during off season is possible but note there is no proper lighting / food stalls / regular water supplies and make sure you need to carry required food, water, torch rain coat / some medicines if required etc. 

Also recommend to start day time if you climb Adam’s Peak during off season but the temple of summit will not open for public during off season. Contact your travel agency in Sri Lanka and read all guidance before climb. 


Do I need an assistance to climb Adam’s Peak? 

No, the trek is well signposted / clean and light up to the summit. You will definitely not get lost. Further this is not a technical thing. (There are just lot of stairs). But if you are a senior citizen or travel with some medical condition/s, recommend to hire an assist / guide will make your task easier.
Note – If you are a Ceylon Expeditions guests, we will provide an English speaking assistant throughout the trek. 


From where can I hire an assistance for Adam’s Peak trek?

You can request from your travel agency in Sri Lanka and they will organize an English speaking helper for your Adam’s Peak trek. If you are a direct traveller, contact your hotel in Nallathanniya / Dellhousie and they will assist to provide an assistant. 


How much should I pay for Adam’s Peak helper / assistance?

This is almost 8 Hrs trek and recommend to pay at least 30 – 40 $


What are the available other routes to climb Adams Peak?

There are six possible routes to access the Adams peak (Sri Pada)  

  • Hatton-Nallathanni (Dalhousie) – This is the recommended / secured mostly used route 
  • Rathnapura - Palabaddala, 
  • Kuruwita - Erathna 
  • Murraywatte
  • Mookuwatte 
  • Malimboda


What is the easiest and most recommended route to climb Adam’s Peak 

Most recommended and easiest route for Adam’s Peak is easiest from Hatton – Nallathanniya (Dalhousie) 


How many steps are to be climbed to reach summit of the Adam's Peak?

Around 5,500 steps (from Dalhousie). Note Sigiriya Rock Fortress is 1,200 steps) 


What’s the most less crowded route for Adam’s Peak? 

Its Kuruwita Erathna route is less crowded but this path is a little bit difficult and most challenging route to Ada’s Peak. 


Can I buy some foods and water during the climb?

If you are climbing during December to May, you will find many stalls to buy water and snacks. Also public water supply readily available. But in the off-season you need to pack everything from Nallathanniya and start climbing since no stalls / no light path and no public water supply. Make sure to have an assistant and keep a torch with you. 


Is the Adam's Peak climb child-friendly? 

It is not recommended to climb Adams Peak with children especially under age of 6 Y. This is challenging trek even for adults and not recommended to bring your child / infant. 


Is Adams peak wheelchair Accessible activity?

Cannot go on a wheelchair but there is a service to carry you on a cradle up to the Adams peak summit buy 4 – 5 people. If you are a wheelchair bound person, you can use this service but have a clear understanding on your medical conditions / mobility level etc. But this cradle service is good for senior citizens who cannot climb 5,000 steps. This service might charge 150 – 250 USD. 
This is depend on your mobility level / medical conditions. This service is recommended for senior citizen. 


Important Contact numbers during Adams Peak Trek in case emergency

  • Police Station Nallathanniya +94522 055 522
  • Police Emergency Service 119
  • Hatton Railway Station +9451 22 222 71


What are the best hotels in Adams Peak / Nallathaniiya?

Nallathanniya is a small town and there are 4 or 5 star class resorts and onlyu you will find some good guests houses. Few of hotels in Nallathanniya are listed below. Please do your own research / read reviews and select the place to stay. 

  • Wathsala Inn 
  • Slightly Chilled
  • Adams Peak Grand 
  • Ayos Hill Adams Peak 
  • Governor’s Mansion  
  • Hugging Clouds 
  • Tea Breeze Motel 
  • Green View Guest Inn 

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